
If your child will be off today please ring the attendance officer on  01908 624720 option 1 or email

Parents should contact the school as soon as possible on the first day of their child’s absence to explain why they were absent. A phone call will be made to the parent of any pupil who has not reported their child’s absence on the first day that they do not attend school.

Registers close at 9.10am in the morning and 1pm in the afternoon.  Any pupils that arrive after these times will be recorded as ‘late after the register is closed’ which is an absence mark. 

For term time leave of absence, leave of absence request forms MUST be collected in paper form, from the reception and completed a minimum of 2 weeks prior to request date

As far as possible, parents should attempt to book medical and dental appointments outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, a hospital letter or appointment card should be presented to the school office

Holidays/leave during term time

If you take a holiday which is not authorised by the school then they may refer the matter to the Local Authority who will consider the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice. Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) are issued to each parent and are for each child.


Students who arrive after the bell at 8.40am will receive a 30 minute after school detention. 

Students arriving after the bell for period 1 at 9.05 will receive a 60 minute detention. 

Students arriving late to lessons throughout the day will receive a 30 minute detention.

Attendance Stages For Legal Action

Letter 1

A letter will be sent home when a child's attendance falls below 90%.

Letter 2

A second letter will be sent if there is no improvement in attendance 4 weeks after receiving letter 1.

Warning Letter

A third letter will be sent if there is no improvement in attendance 4 weeks after receiving letter 2.

Attendance Interview

An attendance interview will be arranged if there is no improvement in attendance 4 weeks after receiving the warning letter.


PACE will be carried out by the Local Authority if there is no improvement in attendance 6 weeks after the attendance interview.


Court proceedings will occur 11 weeks after the PACE meeting if there is no improvement.