
The uniform reflects our high standards, expectations, motto and core values and is designed with both boys and girls in mind and is smart, comfortable and economical.

Uniform is one of the outward signs by which the local community recognises and makes judgements about our students and it is important that our students present themselves in a positive, professional way that conveys a disciplined and well-ordered learning environment. Smart uniform ensures that all students are prepared for work both in school and beyond. Students arriving at school without the correct uniform will be refused entrance and returned home at parents’ expense. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child changes into appropriate school uniform so that they can be readmitted to school.

We expect parents to endorse these principles and support the school to ensure the uniform code applies to every student in Years 7 to 11. All students are required to wear full school uniform whilst journeying to and from school, and whilst inside and outside the school buildings. The uniform should be neat and clean, communicating that our students take pride in belonging to Sir Herbert Leon Academy.

Our Uniform

Uniform expectations will be re-stressed with parents regularly and will be on display in the tutor board in each classroom as a reference:

Students not in correct uniform or compliant with the expectations above will be: