Think Positive!
Positive Points will be given out for good behaviour:
Classroom - 1
Homework - 1
Effort - 1
Enrichment Activity - 1
Positive Phone Call Home - 1
Tutor Time Contribution - 1
Always "Unashamedly Academic" - 2
Being "Courageous" - 2
Demonstrating a "Giving" Attitude - 2
Positive Role Model - 2
HOY Recognition - 2
Representing the Academy - 2
Sporting Recognition Outside School - 2
Post Card Home - 2
Zero Behaviour Points in a Week - 3
Outstanding Classwork - 3
Outstanding Homework - 3
Outstanding Effort - 3
Achievement Target Grade - 3
Student of the Term - 3
Outstanding Positive Letter Home - 3
SLT Praise and Achievement - 4
Exceed Target Grade - 4
Tutor Star of the Term - 5
Principal Recognition - 5
Full Week of Attendance - 5
Make Positive Choices!
Verbal reminder - 1 Behaviour Point
Student reminded of the expectations for learning in the classroom
Student reminded that further conversations around not meeting expectations will need to move up to a yellow card
Yellow Card - 3 Behaviour Points
Student moved to another seat in the classroom to support management of refocusing on learning
Student reminded that further conversations around not meeting expectations will need to move up to a red card and removal from the lesson
Red Card - 5 Behaviour Points
Teacher to explain to the student the reason behind the removal from the classroom and repeated opportunities to change the negative choices
On call to collect the student from the classroom to take to the base and student placed in detention