Year 9 Options


You are now at the stage of your education where you have an exciting opportunity to have a direct say in what you want to study by choosing which subjects you want to pursue until Year 11. The decisions you make now will have an effect on decisions you will make later when you leave year 11 and move onto Sixth Form, starting employment, taking up training or going to college. It is very important, therefore, that you choose wisely and leave yourself as many avenues open as possible for the future. Various people will be talking to you about the choices you will have to make. Those at home with you will naturally be interested, teachers will talk to you about different subjects, you will talk with your friends about what you will be doing next. 

You should remember the following when selecting options: 


• Do choose subjects which you like or enjoy.

• Do choose subjects at which you are successful.
• Do choose subjects which you may need for a career or further education.
• Do find out everything that you can about the subject before you choose it.
  Once you have started a subject we expect you to stick with it for the full two years.
• Do talk to the people who know you best.
• Do listen to the advice your subject teachers give you.

• Don’t choose a subject just because your friend has chosen it, friendships may change with time but your GCSE grades will remain with you forever.
• Don’t choose a subject just because you like, or dislike a particular teacher. They may not end up teaching you! 

The next step is to understand the details of the courses you can apply for. This booklet is part of understanding the differences between courses and will help you make sensible and considered decisions. Please bear in mind during the whole process that all option courses are subject to timetable and staffing constraints. For this reason, we may not be able to arrange the exact combination of subjects you are seeking.  Please do not hesitate to contact your Head of Year, Head of House or your teachers if you would like further advice.

Options Consideration

By the end of Year 9 very few students can accurately predict what they will actually be doing when they leave school. It is for this reason that we want all students to continue to study a very broad range of subjects. A balanced portfolio of subjects is essential as this allows you to demonstrate strengths in different areas as universities and employers value this. You should also take into account your strengths and interests so that you can combine the best possible grades and enjoyment of your studies. 

As well as thinking about the breadth of subjects chosen in terms of enjoyment and subject strengths, you also need to consider possible future career paths. It is worthwhile finding out the entry requirements for any areas you are interested in. This can be a useful starting point, or used as a check that the choices made will facilitate entry to specific further/higher education courses or employment. 

The following websites may help in this area:  

Important Information

Timeline Overview

Wednesday 26th April (5pm - 6pm) - Options evening for students and parents

Wednesday 26th April - Booklets and Forms shared with families (both in person and over email)

Friday 28th April - Tutor time sessions with computers to support in completing forms

Tuesday 5th May (9am) - Final deadline for Google form to be completed

Year 9 Options Booklet

Key Stage 4 Options Booklet 2023